Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Today I was a man.

One thing about Tommy being gone that I have fond to be difficult, is doing man things. For one thing, doing things that HE would normally be the one to do is just depressing in itself. Today I had to do all sorts of man things. I mowed the lawn today (which took me nearly 2 hours I might add, because it was SO thick and jungle-like). However, I have to say that I'm almost positive I got more honks than Tommy would have, had it been him mowing the lawn in cut off shorts. ;) After I got finished mowing, I tried to do the dishes... but of course, the disposal was jammed. So once again, I put on the man-pants and got a screw driver to twiddle the thing and sweet talk it into working. (Twiddling and sweet talk, now that's the way women wearing man-pants get things done!) Okay, so onto the next chore: Taking out the trash. And what would happen? Of course. The cheap-o Aldi brand trash bags split right down the middle. The trash, old food, and whatever other nasty shit my trash can holds, in a matter of seconds was now all over the livingroom floor. I just stood there and stared at my shit-covered floor for a good 5 minutes before I let go of the now-empty trash bag and cleaned up the mess. *sigh*

Tonight I need to do something very womanly. I need to get my ass back in the kitchen where I belong. ;)

Just kidding :) I'm thinking lounge around in my bra and panties and watch a romantic comedy while crying into a box of tissues. While painting my toe nails of course. Shit, I may even take a bubble bath!


  1. I think having two lesbian moms helps! LOL

  2. You go girl! Days like yesterday just prove how very strong and independent you are! *MUAH*
