Wednesday, July 21, 2010


I think Kieran is in need of some more one-on-one time. So today, with a little help, I came up with a list of things we can do to spend more time together. I feel bad because he's in daycare all day while I'm working or at school, then in the evenings I'm exhausted and he's grumpy, so our time together is stressful more often than not. Today we went to chick-fil-a and had some fruit cups and lemonade then played in the play place :) he LOVED it! He met a couple friends. It's so neat to see him interacting with other kids his age. I love it!

I think tomorrow we are going to go to the drillers game or maybe the splash pad in Owasso. I just feel like I have so much going on, and so much of my life is straight. Work is good. I'm always early, and usually stay late or run extra errands for my boss. My grades are perfect, and neither Kieran or myself are lacking sleep. It's just our relationship that I feel is getting the shaft of things. But that needs to change. My relationship with Kieran should come first. Always! I think I am going to start working it out so that his bedtime is a little later, so we can have more time just us, and try to GO do things more often. If anything is going to suffer her, I decided it needs to be my rest. So if I have to stay up a little later to get homework done, or to clean or do laundry, that's fine! That's what I'll do. Heck, maybe the dishes won't even get done some nights. But I'll still have my sweet boy.


  1. Excellent! I worry about that during the school year. And it's why I've not made it back into the dance studio since she was born. I really want to go back to that, but like you said, she has to come first. We're going to the splash pad at 41st and Riverside around 10:30 tomorrow if you'd like to join. She's also loved going to the movies with me every week. There are free movies in Jenks and downtown Tulsa. And I have a zoo membership if you guys ever want to go out there. You wouldn't even necessarily have to hang around us, but it would get you in free. And it gets us in before they open on Saturdays. I love the chic-fil-a outing. There's a great McD's playplace here too. You're a fantastic mom!

  2. Thanks Kristi! I have a zoo membership also!! We should go sometime. What time does it get you in??

  3. you are a old soul in a young body.....i wish i would have known what you know.......yes familiy does come first.....Kieran is soooo lucky to have you as a MOMMY!!!!!

    p.s. believe me they grow up soooo fast....soooo your right cherish that time ....cause you cant get it matter how much you try!!!!
