Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Days like today

Make the shitty days worth it.

GREAT news today!! I have been on the waiting list to get into the Family Apartments at RSU for almost a year now, and I wasn't expected to get in until January, possibly even later. Well today I got the call!!! I got in!!! I get to move in August 7th!!! I am beyond excited. It was such perfect timing. This will be what's best for myself and my family right now, without a doubt! It definitely seems like things will be falling into place very soon. I will be right on campus, which has so many benefits. I can use the campus pool and gym any time I want, the on campus security, it is without a doubt a VERY safe environment, it will help me stay focused in school, there is an amazing daycare not even a mile away, there is a cute little pond RIGHT by my apartment with a path and lots of ducks and stuff. There is an entire nature reserve, and LOTS of grassy areas for Kieran. He will LOVE it!!! Not to mention there is a playground! I am sooo excited. I will probably meet lots of other parents who are also working and trying to go to school.

There is a daycare on campus, but I'm not particularly fond of it, plus you have to be at least 2 years old to attend. Well a friend of mine told me about an AMAZING daycare in Claremore, and it has one of the highest ratings in the entire state. PLUS, it costs LESS than where we are at now!!! I went and toured the place today and met Kieran's soon-to-be teachers, and the place was definitely beyond amazing. I walk in and go through automatic doors (if you have a child, you KNOW how hard it is to do something as simple as open a door with a squirming toddler in your arms, plus a package of diapers and a diaper bag) and after you use your finger print to get in to the 2nd door, the room is a very pretty yellow. They called this the Family Room, and there were big comfy couches everywhere. Plus a giant fort right in the middle of the room! The place was HUGE. So I go into the toddler room, and all the children are sitting in "big kid seats" around a circle table, eating peas, cantaloupe, and mini burritos. While the director was telling me the schedule they follow, etc., I was watching the teacher out of hte corner of my eye and she was doing sign language with the kids, and they were ALL doing it back. She told me they teach sign language as part of their curriculum for the toddler room, and continue to use it for every age level. The kitchen was so nice, and I got to meet the cook, who is actually a licensed dietitian and she told me that the children only eat fresh fruits and veggies with lean meat and whole grains. How amazing is that?! Healthy eating is one thing that will always be very important in my household, and it was so comforting to know that the daycare holds the same values. I go in to tour the 2's room, and the director explained to me how they begin teaching the children "self-help" skills in the toddler room, and by the time they get to the 2's room, they know their manners, serve themselves food, even pour their own milk into their cups!! I was so impressed by the sweet kids and how polite they were to me. There is a seperate playground for each age group, and in the toddler playground (which is being re-done at the moment) there is a tricycle track all the way around it! Plus all the awesome kiddie swings and stuff, with lots of room to run. It was definitely a place I not only feel comfortable putting my child, but I WANT my child at!! I am so excited about it, it was amazing.

PS: did i mention I got a scholarship for being the single mom w/ the highest GPA in school?! Go meee!!!

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations on all of it! And now I'm thinking about moving to Claremore just for that daycare. :-)
