This is the first time I have had an emotional connection to a house. I am so sad to say goodbye to it. I have so many amazing memories here. I remember sitting on the glider for probably half of my day, breastfeeding kieran and just staring into his sweet little face. I remember making his home made baby food and having so much trial and error to get it the right taste and texture. I remember cuddling with Kieran in bed and waking up to him squeezing my nose and giggling every morning. I remember him zooming around in his walker and getting air in his jumper. The first night he slept in his own room and his own bed... The first time he bathed in the big tub as opposed to his little baby tub... I remember when he just started smiling and cooing and laughing and mimicking all my sounds and I would sit there for hours on end just playing with him and making faces. I remember when he first learned to roll over and within a few days was practically rolling from room to room and giggling his little butt off. The first time he crawled, and we caught it on video... When he took his first steps... First said Mama and Dada.... Learning sign language and eating finger foods... Playing tee-ball and swimming in his pool in the back yard... Evenings on the back porch swing sharing popsicles... *sigh* I learned to be a mom here. But like a good friend told me today, I should think of it like that job you loved and made you who you are, but you had to give up to move on to bigger and better things. This is exactly like that. I feel like I not only got to know Kieran here, but I got to know myself as well. We have both taught each other so much in this house, but I know we have a lot left to learn. I can't believe this is my last night in this house. I almost cried when I put Kieran to bed for the last time in our first house. I know I will cry when I lock the door behind me for the last time.
I will miss you, house!!!
It's so nice to know that I'm not the only one like that. I had a horrible time with leaving "our first house." Sometimes there's still a pang or two.